

After my first intensive Ashtanga yoga class (which was preceeded by intro-class the previous day) I could barely put my pants on and my knees were trembling when walking. After all it didn't seem to be that fun and easy as I first thought. But I decided to go ahead and start practicing. Class starts at 8.05am. That's not easy for me as I'm pretty much the owl type - go to bed late and wake up late. But something on Earth had to correct my discipline and Ashtanga yoga turned out to be the one. It's a challenge for me not only physically but emotionally and mentally - to keep practicing 5 times a week, to organize my life according to the new schedule and, what is the most important about it, to be happy. And I am happy. Having quite a boring life with lots of bugs dancing in my head and weird thoughts is not easy and I can easily fall into depression (the lonely soul, you know) and especially that weather is getting worse each day (autumn time) I pray to the Universe not to have seasonal affective disorder this time which kicks me out of track till the first snow. Of course it's easy to say that I just have to be stronger and get over this period much easier and believe in myself but that's only easily said. I truly believe Ashtanga yoga appeared in my life for a reason. I keep some dreams in my head and currently working hard on making them come true in 2-3 years, till then - I'll do my practice and make it the sense of my life for the time being. I sincerely hope it will change my personality for the better, will calm my excited mind and open up some doors I never thought exist.

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